Monday, December 14, 2009

Final Bill of Materials and More Photos from Team Pending

Here we are, drawing to a close, a semester of planning and building. Here are a few photos from over the semester showing the progress of our machine from ground up to completion. Be sure to read Andrew's whole overview of the final Machine below, including our disheartening defeat at the hands of team Thunder and Lighting. It was great to see the machine come from concept to physical form over just a few short weeks, and I can say I really proud of the way that we managed to bring everything together in the end.

Our final Bill of Materials can be found Here. The total for the parts bought in addition to the kit came to $41.36, putting the total cost of components at $136.66.

Finally, enjoy some pictures of the machine and competition from the last few weeks. I also have uploaded a few pictures of other teams from our lab section, too.

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